Please find attached 3 forms from France for SWAFS calls:
– “<a href="/wp-content/uploads/buxus/HORIZONT_2020/Partners_Profiles/2018/SwafS_PSF_18_-_Atelier_des_jours_a_venir_-_France.pdf target=”_blank”>L’atelier des Jours à venir” would like to integrate a consortium preparing a project for SwafS-02, 09, 14 and/or 15. The company is currently member of the consortium of the project PERFORM financed by the SwafS programme through the call H2020-SEAC-2014-1.
– The <a href=/HORIZONT_2020/Partners_Profiles/2018/SwafS_PSF_18_-_University_of_Angers_-_France.pdf target=”_blank”>University of Anger is planning to coordinate a SwafS-09 proposal related to gender equality plans.
– “<a href=/HORIZONT_2020/Partners_Profiles/2018/SwafS_PSF_18_-_Sciences_a_l_Ecole_-_France.pdf” target=”_blank”>Sciences à l’Ecole” (Sciences at School) offers its expertise to participate as a partner in a SwafS-01 project.