Rámcový program


Ponuka z Nemecka

LMU Munich, Nemecko hľadá partnerov na spoluprácu na výzve

CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATION-01-05 – Gender and social, economic and cultural empowerment

Research Topic: In our research, we are currently focusing on the topics of inclusivity and diversity and how credibly these topics are implemented at the corporate level and in corporate communication. For example, the appropriation of current socially relevant issues, such as the use of Pride Month for advertising purposes or “Black Lives Matter” appeals in public communications, is a growing trend in marketing today. If companies address these social issues, they could use them to generate widespread awareness, which is a good thing in itself. At the same time, however, companies can use this form of PR to polish their image and distract from other problems without anchoring the values of inclusivity and diversity in their mission statements and actually implementing them, for example in their employment policies. In this case, companies are not really contributing to social change. If raising awareness for social issues is just a measure to generate more money, without implementing diversity measures in the own corporate structure, then we speak of “Woke-Washing”. In our research we are interested in how vouge-washing is treated in public discourses, how vouge-washing is recognized by potential consumers, and what companies can contribute to a credible and effective social change towards an inclusive society. 

V prípade záujmu kontaktujte priamo Tim Wulf (tim.wulf@ifkw.lmu.de) and Brigitte Naderer (brigitte.naderer@ifkw.lmu.de) alebo príslušné NCP.

30.9.2021, elz