Európska výkonná agentúra pre klímu, infraštruktúru a životné prostredie (CINEA, bývalá INEA) podpísala grantové dohody pre 21 projektov z oblasti energetiky podporených z výziev H2020 Energy call on Low Carbon Energy (H2020-LC-SC3-2020-NZE-RES-CC) a Cross Cutting call on Low Carbon and Circular Industries (H2020-LCCI-INEA-Single Stage) s alokovaným rozpočtom do 123 miliónov EUR.
Vyhodnotenie sa týkalo týchto tém:
Identifikátor | Názov témy |
LC-SC3-CC-12018-2019-2020 | Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition |
LC-SC3-CC-7-2020 | European Energy and Climate Modelling Forum (2020-2024) |
LC-SC3-CC-9-2020 | Industrial (Waste) Heat-to-Power conversion |
LC-SC3-ES-13-2020 | ntegrated local energy systems (Energy islands): International cooperation with India |
LC-SC3-NZE-5-2020 | Low carbon industrial production using CCUS |
LC-SC3-NZE-6-2020 | Geological Storage Pilots |
LC-SC3-RES-20-2020 | Efficient combination of Concentrated Solar Power and desalination (with particular focus on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region) |
LC-SC3-RES-25-2020 | International cooperation with Japan for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels |
LC-SC3-RES-3-2020 | International Cooperation with USA and/or China on alternative renewable fuels from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage |
LC-SC3-RES-34-2020 | Demonstration of innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower potential in Central Asia |
LC-SC3-RES-36-2020 | International cooperation with Canada on advanced biofuels and bioenergy |
LC-SC3-SCC-2-2020 | Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for urban energy transitions |
Príklady úspešných projektov si môžete pozrieť v tlačovej správe agentúry CINEA. Úspešným riešiteľom gratulujeme!
Zdroj, CINEA, zverejnené 10.5.2021, mit